Art review: London Grads Now, Saatchi Gallery, London SW3
A lucky few graduates seize the moment — with work that questions nature and identity
Waldemar Januszczak
Sunday September 13 2020, 12.01am, The Sunday Times
Many thank for favourable mention in Sunday Times Culture Magazine review of ‘London Grads Now’ show at the Saatchi Gallery by their art critic Waldemar Januszczak
London Grads Now . Show at @saatchi_gallery in collaboration with @kristinhjellegjerdegallery reviewed by Waldemar Januszczak @artywaldy in The Sunday Times @thetimes Culture magazine @sundaytimesculture Many thanks for The Sunday Times featuring this amazing exhibition .
Artist mentioned : @ constanzavalderrama.art @ yichiaochen_art @ anna.baumgart @lilophilia @forbesprojects @cmdcp @victoriacantons @nicolecoson @toby_watkins_ @qianjiang_
If you happy to be a Times subscriber then there are more photos in the online version of the article .
藝術科系出身能當飯吃嗎❓ 都0202年了,想學’’藝術’’還要出國❓
#EP2 貳零貳零與他們的畢業展|2020 藝術設計畢業生專訪 #1👀
→文章介紹 & Podcast 連結 https://bit.ly/2G8oYfK
這次全新企劃,Junction 採訪了七位英國應屆畢業的設計藝術台灣留學生,分享在 covid19 的影響下,留學生活與創作過程經歷的多少轉變。
本企劃將分為三集,透過不同的組合,以 #Podcast🎤 的形式,帶大家一起進入一起進入英國設計藝術教育的第一現場🔍
本集我們邀請到兩位在英國就讀 Fine Art 純藝術的學生 Goldsmith 的吳珮頎和與 Wimbledon College of Art, UAL 的陳裔喬 來與大家分享台灣與西方純藝術科系有甚麼不一樣,同學來自 #不同國家、#不同產業 甚至 #不同年齡層 又讓這趟求學旅程產生甚麼樣的火花?🖌️
本集 Podcast 收聽平台🎬
|Spotify ▶ https://spoti.fi/2SextbI
|Google Podcast ▶ https://bit.ly/2Sef2Ug
|Apple Podcast ▶ https://apple.co/36lywyQ
#英國 #倫敦 #設計 #藝術 #留學 #畢業展 #Fineart #studyabord #studyabroad #Goldsmith #UAL